fastest 3D software for linux

Linux 3D
interactive ray-tracing
[1 introduction] [2 overview] [3 reference] [4 GUI]




Test-triangulate a Polygon

int E3dPolygon_TestTriangulate(E3dPolygon* PPolygon, const E3dVertexNodeSize PVertexNodeSize, const E3dVertex* PVertices, const E3dVertexSize PVertexSize, const EBool PDoConvex)

PPolygon Pointer to the E3dPolygon structure PVertexNodeSize The size of a VertexNode in PPolygon (bytes) PVertices The array of Vertices this Polygon is indexing in its VertexNodes PDoConvex Should we try to triangulate convex Polys or just concave ones
Triangulates a Polygon, but it doesn't store the resulting triangles in Polygon structure. This function can be useful to determine whether a Polygon can be triangulated (if not, it is usually considered "degenerate" and could be thrown out, ignored etc.)

Return value
The number of resulting triangles, or 0 if the triangulation was unsuccessful.

See also
E3dPolygon_Triangulate, E3dPolygon_TriangulateForRendering


Rotate a Polygon, so it's aligned with the X-Y plane

E3dCoord2* E3dPolygon_Flatten(const E3dPolygon* PPolygon, const E3dVertexNodeSize PVertexNodeSize, const E3dVertex* PVertices, const E3dVertexSize PVertexSize)

PPolygon Pointer to the Polygon PVertices The Vertex array of the Mesh containing this Polygon
Aligns the Polygon with the X-Y plane, making it a 2D Polygon.
This is useful for many Polygon operations, such as determining Edge intersections, triangulating etc.

Return value
Pointer to an array of 2DPositions, corresponding to each VertexNode of the Polygon, or NULL in case of an error.
This array must be freed by the caller when not used any more.

See also


Scale and rotate a Polygon, so it's aligned with the X-Y plane

E3dCoord2* E3dPolygon_FlattenScaled(const E3dPolygon* PPolygon, const E3dVertexNodeSize PVertexNodeSize, const E3dVertex* PVertices, const E3dVertexSize PVertexSize, const E3dCoordinate PScale)

PPolygon Pointer to the Polygon PVertices The Vertex array of the Mesh containing this Polygon PVertexSize The size of each Vertex in bytes PScale Scaling factor
Aligns the Polygon with the X-Y plane, making it a 2D Polygon.
Before being rotated, the Polygon will be uniformly scaled around its center by PScale.

Return value
Pointer to an array of 2DPositions, corresponding to each VertexNode of the Polygon, or NULL in case of an error.
This array must be freed by the caller when not used any more

See also
© 1996-2024 By Gabor Nagy