EQUINOX-3D Screenshots
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All 3D scenes were created with EQUINOX-3D.
Female humanoid robot
Work in progress. Started from a hemisphere for the head and a front and side view of a reference drawing of the female body, and primarily used these tools:
- Edit polygons
- Mirror
- Revolve
- Subdivision surface
To cut the body into movable segments, I used:
- Extrude along Spline with the new Snap to surface feature.
- Boolean (not released yet)
Working on a Tesla Model S
(So far completely from memory. Time to grab some reference photos...)
Started from a half cube and using
- Edit Polygons
- Mirror
- Subdivision surface
VR support!
- Side-by-side stereo 3D rendering and lens correction (distortion, chromatic aberration, IPD).
- You can create a "detached" 3D window, make it full-screen (Ctrl-F) and move it to the screen of the VR headset.

Fully functional hexapod, with LinMot direct-drive linear actuators.
Using the following tools:
- Orient toward Model mechanical constraints
- Revolve
- Extrude
- Extrude along Spline, with X and Y scaling (guide) Splines.
- Boolean
- Offset Spline
- Mirror Spline
3D text tool test with international characters.
The tool generates (Spline) Faces that you can extrude, to get thickness and end bevels.
