fastest 3D software for linux

Linux 3D
interactive ray-tracing

EQUINOX-3D has had the first interactive ray-tracer in a 3D modeling application and it's still the only one with a fully integrated ray-tracer.
See below and check out the Image gallery and the screenshots.

Main features:
  • Multi-threading (it uses all the cores on your CPUs).
  • GPU ray-tracer in the works (I have a working prototype, but it uses CUDA, so it only works on NVidia GPUs. The new one will use OpenCL).
  • All renderers are fully integrated in the user interface, meaning:
    - Any window can use any renderer. No need to open a separate window for the ray-tracer (you can, if you need to).
    - No load time. When you edit your models, they redraw instantly, even in a ray-traced window!

    Note the wireframe and 3D controls overlaid on the ray-traced image:

    You can also create your own renderer as a plugin, or even a whole video game and run it inside any EQUINOX-3D window.
    You can do full editing with the interactive ray-tracer (not just move the camera interactively, as in other applications).
    - select and unselect things
    - edit 3D models.
    - move objects, the camera, lights, change materials etc.
    Thanks to intelligent, selective updates, Spline editing, selecting / unselecting, exposure changes and so on, are just as fast on the ray-traced view as on any other one!

  • Interactive option for the main render window:

    In addition to the regular 3D windows, there is also a traditional, separate window for rendering movies, or images larger than the screen. You can also make this window interactive.

  • Depth-of-field and motion blur. Yes, this is an EQUINOX-3D rendering. You can see the movie here

  • Global illumination / indirect light.

  • Reflected and transmitted caustics.

  • Powerful and fast cross-renderer shader interface (ray-tracer, Cg etc.).
    Per-pixel normals, geometric tangents, texture-space tangents, pre-sampled/shadow-tested area light samples etc. are easily accesible by shaders.
    Source code examples included:
    - Phong with Fresnel-modulated reflectivity and specular highlight
    - Anisotropic shader

    Minimal effort needed to implement a shader for both the ray-tracer, the Cg renderer etc. (e.g. the Cg framework automatically generates Cg shaders from a minimal template).
    Identical look for Cg and ray-tracer outputs (within the limitations of graphics hardware):



  • Multi-texturing
    For example, you can have separate textures for the ambient, reflective etc. colors, or for any parameter of a custom shader:

  • Bump / normal-mapping

  • Area lights
    Any 3D object can be a light source and area lights cast correct soft shadows:

  • Programmable texture-mappers
    In addition to the built-in mappers (planar, UV, cylindrical etc.) you can write your own mapper that fits a particular object best.

  • Direct support for mirror-ball photograps and angle maps as textures/environment maps

  • Textured area lights and high dynamic range texture support
    32-bit floating-point values per R, G, B, A channels

  • Colored reflections and refractions

  • Volumetric absorption (e.g. 'muddy water' effect)

  • Anti-aliasing with many options

  • Customizable progressive refinement:

  • Multiple lens types:
     Perspective, Fish-eye, rear-view fish-eye, Cylindrical, Panorama and Angle-map
     (great for creating reflection-maps and illumination-maps)
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) image support:
    Allows you to save the rendered image with its full color range, as 32-bit floating-point values per R, G, B, A channels.

© 1992-2017 By Gabor Nagy